What can teenagers teach leaders about learning and change?

What can teenagers teach leaders about learning and change?

Question of the week What can teenagers teach leaders about learning and change? BY DANIEL LUTZ MARCH 24, 2017 As every parent knows,  teenagers can be… uhm… challenging. Teenagers are hormone-filled, angst-ridden, semi-autonomous adults who often...
Fighting change fatigue with…snowballs?

Fighting change fatigue with…snowballs?

Question  of the week | Change fatigue Fighting change fatigue with…snowballs? BY DANIEL LUTZ FEBRUARY 27, 2017 Twenty years ago, if you started a funky initiative in your organization people sat up and took notice. Today, in large organizations, there seems to be a...
Big behaviour data says: use social contagion & spread the love

Big behaviour data says: use social contagion & spread the love

Big behaviour data says: spread the love DECEMBER 22, 2016 Be honest: did you go for a run yesterday? I didn’t” my buddy IM’ed. So much for my first attempt at having my exercise behaviour influenced by that of my athletic friends. As a behaviour...
The hidden influence of social networks

The hidden influence of social networks

 11 AUGUSTUS, 2016 An idea worth spreading indeed. Watch the TED talk by Yale’s Nicholas Christakis (below). As eye-opener for how your social networks influence your behaviour unconsciously. Christakis tells and visualises how we are all part of...