Question of the week | leadership

How do you bottom-up the top?


JANUARY 31, 2017

A client recently brought up something we encounter again and again: leaders who promote – sometimes even aggressively – an agenda of change within their organization…yet resist change at the leadership level and in their own leadership style.

Not ideal of course, but understandable if you look at it on a human level. Everyone at the top is there thanks to the status quo. So any change is an implicit threat to their authority.

That’s exactly why a peer-to-peer powered change approach works so well. This approach can support the process of change even without 100% buy-in from leadership. But – at the end of the day – all decent leaders want to see their people and organization succeed. So when positive change is happening right in front of them (thanks to the peer-to-peer contagion naturally!), they can’t help but join in.


“Any change is an implicit threat to their authority.”

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